Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cantankerous Capulet

The main man in the Capulet house is very Cantankerous

"Hang thee, young baggage, disobediant wretch!
I tell thee what: get thee to church o' Thursday
or never after look me in the face.
Speak not; reply not; do not answer me"

"Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither.
Out, you green-sickness carrion!Out you baggage!
You tallow face"

In these scenes Capulet is being very cantankerous. Cantankerous means that somone is ill-tempered and difficult to control. In this scene Capulet is threatening to throw Juliet, is thirteen year old daughter out of his house if whe refuses to marry Paris on Thursday.
He does not seem to care if Juliet will be happy or not with Paris. He does not seem to be a happy guy in general. He also calls his daughter baggage, which means a good for nothing women. On top of all this, in the movie, Capulet hits Juliet as well as his wife making his rage immpossible to control. This definatly makes Capulet Cantankerous.

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