Monday, May 2, 2011

Starting New

She moved slowly,
like every part of her body was stuck
in jello, yet still
walking with an easy grace,
loping like a gazelle and
her eyes were shining like stars,
with the thought and possibility
of what was to come,
of what was right around the corner,
the new life that
was possible as she
stepped into the house and
began her dream.


  1. Which did you model this off of? One of the imagery poems?

  2. I like the use of similes to express the kinestetic imagery. I can imagine how the girl feels trying to move.

  3. I really like this poem because it created a picture in my head. I could really imagine all of this happening and the use of literary devices really made this poem even stonger. Good job!

  4. I liked the use of imagery and similes, it is a great example of visual imagery.
