Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ariadne Bio

I am Ariadne the goddess of Labyrinth. I am a mortal princess with parents King Minos of Crete and Pasiphae. My father attacked the town of Athens, when he realized that his beloved son was killed there. As a victory prize, every nine years, the Athenians had to sacrifice seven young men and seven maidens to kill the Minotaur, a half bull and half human monster. One of the sacrificed people was Theseus. I fell in love with him the minute I looked into his eyes. I helped him kill Minotaur by giving him a sword and a ball of red thread used to find his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth. After he won the battle, we eloped. He abandoned me, and after a couple years I met Dionysus. We got married and I was faithfully in love with him. No one really knows the real death of me. Some say Perseus killed me; others say I hanged myself from a tree.

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