Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hello, I'd like to introduce myself. My names Apollo and i'm a Greek God. I'm known as the God of a few things. Medicine and healing are associated with my name. I have the power to mediate, as does my son Asclepius. As contradicting as it may seem, I also have the power to bring deathly plaguea and ill-health. If you thought I was done, you thought wrong! I'm also the God of music and poetry. In a lot of pictures i'm caught with a harp.

To Queen Mab

Your post was really creative and full of voice. For example, saying, "It is true that I am a tiny ol' thing, therefore explaining that I am a Fairy," was much more intriguing than just typing "I am a Fairy." Also, the way you tied your story in with Romeo and Juliet at the end of the post helped me to make the connection between what we're doing in class and the myth surrounding your character.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Queen Mab's Bio

Let me formerly introduced myself, I am no other then Queen Mab. I creep into your nose with my chariot and make my way to your brain while you sleep. No need to worry though, I mean no harm. My only concern is for you to have wishful and meaningful dreams. It is true that I am a tiny ol' thing, therefore explaining that I am a Fairy. Queen of faries to be exact. I will be mentioned a couple of times after spending time with Romeo as he rests. Mercutio has a few conversations about me to Romeo. However, each time he seems to internally debate my existance. Despite what he says, dreams are very much real and so am I.

Friday, February 11, 2011

To Circe

When I attempted to comment, it told me I couldn't, so I figured that I'ld just make a new post.

I really likedthe tone in the beginning; you did a really good job embodying the godess. However, as the post went on, it got a little repetative (man, drug, and pig were used alot) and kind of fact heavy. If you carried the tone from the first half of the blog through to the second half, this post could become even better.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Please read**

Please keep a few important thoughts in mind when blogging from this point forward.  These are issues that seem to be cropping up.
  1. You are YOU, not your Greek/biblical persona.  This is simply a name to help us gain anonymity.  So please write your own thoughts in your own voice.
  2. Remember, I will read everything you post on here.  This is not a space for juvenile or immature comments.  This blog is a tool to extend our thinking and writing practice as well as a way for our two classes to discuss together.  Please feel comfortable sharing your honest thougths, but do not criticize someone's post simply for the sake of criticizing.  You may comment on any topic that strikes you beyond what is assigned, but do so with meaning, purpose, and maturity.
  3. Spelling, grammar, and tone do count.  When I assign a blog or comment, I will check for mechanic errors, appropriate capitalization, etc.  Keep that in mind!  Spell/grammar check and write in a more formal rather than informal manner.
Happy blogging, ladies and gents! :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Aphrodite Bio

My name is Aphrodite. I am the famous goddess of love, beauty, and desire. I am known for being polite, kind, sweet, and irresistible. It is said that I was the start of the Trojan war because I bribed the Prince of Troy to name me "the fairest". So he did and in return I gave him Helen of Troy, an already married woman. This started a war. My name, Aphrodite, means "sprang from the sea". I came out of the ocean riding a large shell and at first sight, everyone loved me. I was also known for helping men fulfill their wishes and bless them with eternal happiness. I surpassed all other goddesses, and they got jealous! However, I never let them get to me and I became the favorite goddess of most people. The Romans called me Venus, Love Goddess, and Aphrodite.

King Solomon Bio

Hello, I am King Solomon. I am the son of King David, and I was a king during the ninth century (before Christ). I served as the king of Israel for almost forty years. During that time I had the amazing temple of Solomon built in the city of Jerusalem. This amazing temple was used to house the Ark of the Covenant. In my rule I organized the nation of Israel into twelve different tribes as well as twelve administrative districts, one for each tribe.
I was widely known for being one of the wisest men on the planet. One famous story about me is the two woman who both claim a baby belongs to them. I decided to cut the baby in half, but when one woman decided to give the baby to the other woman to save the baby, I deduced that she was the real mother and gave the baby to her. I have also written the “song of songs,” as well as the book of Ecclesiastes, in the bible.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Fates Bio

We are three sisters known as the Fates, or the Moirae. We control the destiny of man and god alike. Klotho, meaning "spinner", spins the thread of life. Lachesis, meaning "caster of lots", measures the thread of life. Atropus. meaning "unbending", cuts the thread of life. It is unclear who our parents are. Some say we are the daughters of Erebus and Nyx, while others say we are the daughters of Zeus and Themis. While we are considered the most powerful of the gods, Zeus can change our decisions, and we can occasionally be manipulated.


My name is Pygmalion and I am a talented sculptor in ancient Greece. I love my work and I can spend hours carving a statue. Once, I built a beautiful statue of a woman and I named her Galatea. She was so beautiful that I clothed her and gave her jewels, talked to her everyday, and brought her gifts. Woman did in fact like me, but I never paid any attention to them. I became so disgusted with all the local prostitutes that I began falling in love with Galatea. She was perfect and I started to believe she was more than just a statue. I went to visit Aphrodite and she was charmed by my creation, and she brought it to life. Soon after, Galatea and I got married and throughout our life we brought gifts to Aphrodite's temple and she blessed us with love and happiness in return.


I am Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility. Because my name is derived from the Latin mater, meaning mother, and my close relationship with the earth, I am often mistaken for Rhea, mother Earth. When I gave humans the gift of agriculture, a planned society followed, so I am often a symbol of peace. However, I am best known for bringing about the seasons. My daughter Persephone was stolen by Zeus and given to Hades of the Underworld. I was so upset by the loss o my daughter that I stopped caring for the earth. Zeus was so concerned by this that he forced Hades to give me back my daughter. Unbeknownst to me, Hades gave Demeter six pomegranate seeds, forcing her to revisit the Underworld for six months every year, because once you eat the food of the Underworld, you must return. Even now I still refuse to nourish the earth without my daughter, thus creating winter. The Elysian mysteries, a large festival, celebrated the return of my Persephone each year.

Cain and Abel

Abel was the good son of Adam and Eve, along with his evil brother Cain. Cain was a crop farmer while Abel was a sheperd. Cain commited the first murder by killing his brother, after God rejected his crops and favored Abel's animals. With this, Cain is considered sinful, while Abel is the first martyr.


My name is Cynthia but I am also known as Diana. I am the goddess of the moon, associated with animals and woodland. I am also known to be the virgin goddess to look after woman and virgins. I have a twim brother named Apollo and my parents are Jupiter and Latona.
I am Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. The Greeks called me Aphrodite, but I served the same purpose in their culture. It has been said that I descended from Uranus, but others say that my parents were Zeus and Dione. My son, Aeneas, fled Troy during the Trojan war. His descendants founded the city of Rome. Many temples have been erected in my honor, demonstrating the reverence towards me of the ancient peoples.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I'm Perseus. Son of Zeus and Danae, I am one of the most celebrated heroes in Greek Mythology. If I had to pick one accomplishment to tell, it would be my slaying of Medusa, who's eyes could turn you to stone, and my saving of Princess Andromeda. I, being a demigod, have super human strength and agility. I'm also very skilled at hand to hand combat such as sword fighting.

Daedalus Bio

I am: a craftsman, an inventor, a murderer, and an innovator. I am Daedalus. In some cases, it may seem that the immorality of my failures outweighs the genius of my successes. However, I am a proud man, and I feel that each of my “failures” was a success in its own way. During our escape from my labyrinth, my son, Icarus, fell to his death. This tragedy occurred because metal wings of my own creation could not withstand the scorching heat of the sun and the salty sea spray of the ocean. Fortunately, my pair of wings survived. As much as it pains me to lose my only son, I had still managed to construct a set of metal wings that were capable of keeping a grown man aloft as he flew across the ocean. In the end, I even donated the wings to Apollo: god of the skies.

Speaking of fatal falls, I did not propel my nephew, Perdix, off of the Acropolis in Athens. Perdix took credit for my invention of the saw and was possibly even more intelligent than I. I am not so proud that I would push a young boy off of a cliff. Nor, do I have a guilty conscience. Why would you think that?

The greatest explorer of all time, that title belongs to one man. I, Odysseus. I have traveled to the most treacherous realms of the earth, took down a mighty cyclopes, resisted the charming Circe, overcame the song of the sirens. No man is as brave or as cunning as I. My crew was great and were truly some of the bravest men I ever met. However, I was like their king. I ruled them as if they were my people. My decisions sometimes lead to their doom, but never to mine. I had no enemies, all of my enemies were destroyed. The tales of my adventures are quite popular and are featured in the story The Odysessy. This story tells of my journeys and adventures during the ten years after the fall of Troy.

Phaethon Bio

Hello fellow people! Yes it is I, Phaethon the son of Helios and Clymene. I understand it is indeed impressive hearing from a demigod, the son of the sun-god, but you must know I didn’t always know who my father was or what he was capable of until later on in my life. When I did, however, I wasted no time in finding him. His control and importance excited me immensely and I could not help myself from abusing this power. For when I asked him for a favor, which he granted immediately, I asked for a wish that was too great for even me to handle-to ride the sun chariot across the sky. Once I grabbed hold of the reins, the powerful horses drug us across the sky, only to come too close to Earth, scorching it. This was when the great Zeus stepped in, finding the situation to be dangerous. So what did he do you ask? He threw a thunderbolt directly at me, killing me instantly. Falling into the Eridanus River, it was my wonderful sisters, the Heliades, who mourned for my death, and whose tears turned into amber as they transformed into poplar trees. Maybe in the future, I will learn to think before my insatiable curiosity gets the better of me. Don’t forget to look for me among the stars, as the constellation Auriga next time you peer up into the nighttime sky.

Rhea Bio

Titan, greater than the Gods of Greek mythology. I descend from Gaia and Uranus; I was one of the first twelve. My name is Rhea, the mother of all Gods. My husband and brother Cronus, took our father's ablility to produce another heir, and we took the throne of our parents, begining the time of the Golden Years. Together, Cronus and I had six children: Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, and Hera, who my husband swallowed in order not to be over thrown by his own children like he had done to our father. It was when our sixth child, Zues was to be born that I sought out my parents, and asked them to help me hide Zues so that Cronus wouldn't swallow him as well. So it was planned that I would give birth to Zues in Crete, but to fool my husband, I handed him a stone wrapped in clothes, which he swallowed immediately. I hid Zues on Earth in Crete on Mount Ida, and it was there he stayed until he was grown. Zues came back to myself and Cronus, and forced him to expel his brothers and sisters from his stomach. But in doing so, the youngest of my children became the oldest as their order was reversed when my husband regurgitated them from his stomach. It was after all of the babies that Cronus swallowed had be emptied from him, Zues released Cronus’ brothers, the Gigantes, the Hecatonkheires and the Cyclops, which gave him thunder and lightning Gaia had hidden. Zues rallied his siblings and they attacked along with the Gigantes, Hecatonkheires, and the Cyclops, and overthrew myself, my husband, and the rest of the original twelve Titans, ending our reign over the Golden Years.

Pan Bio

Hello, my name is Pan. I am the god of sheperds, flocks, mountain wilds, hunting, and rustic music. Also, I am also the companion of the nymphs. I am connected to fertility and springtime, and some even consider me to be the god of theatrical criticism. My name comes from the Greek word paein which means 'to pasture.' I am depicted with the horns, legs, and tail of a goat. My father is Hermes. While most gods live on Mount Olympus, I live in the forest.
I am quite musical, in fact the panpipes are named after me! The music I play is considered to be magical, and when people hear it, it bring many emotions upon them, whether good or bad. In the Battle of Marathon, my music caused the enemies to panic.

Jason Bio

Hello! I am Jason, leader of the argonauts. I was sent on a perilious journey to retrieve a golden fleece for the horrible King Pelias. King Pelias had stolen the kingdom of Iolcus from Jason's father Aeson, and offered to return the kingdom to Jason, if he could bring back the fleece. Jason trained with the centaur Chiron in order to prepare for the hard journey. Jason assembled a group of argonauts, including Hercules, to embark on this journey of all journies. Jason set of to get the golden fleece, which was a winged ram (said to be the offspring of Posideon) wanted by all. Jason arrived on the island and was greeted by King Aeetes, who immediately disliked Jason. He agreed to give Jason the fleece, if Jason could harness the power of two supernatural bulls, plow an entire field, and harvest the said field. Jason did everything he needed to do, and was rewarded with the fleece. He did need the help from his lover Medea, to truly retrieve the fleece. Once he had the fleece, Jason returned home and took control over his new kingdom of Iolcus.

Echo Biography

Hello! I am Echo an Oread, or as you might know, a mountain nymph. I once lived in the mountains with many other nymphs of my kind. However, thanks to Zeus's wife Hera that is no longer possible for me. As I'm sure you may know, Zeus loved consorting with many beautiful women, especially the other nymphs I lived with, so it was very common to see him on Earth. Eventually Hera became suspicious of Zeus's absence in Mt. Olympus, so she came down herself in an attempt to catch him with the other nymphs. Since I did not fool around with Zeus like some of the others, he offered me the task of distracting Hera by entertaining her with long, amusing stories. I imedietly agreed to his offer not only to help protect him, but to here my own voice; I am so in love with the sound of myself, that it is impossible for me to pass up a chance to here myself talk. When Hera found out about this plan, let us just say she was less than thrilled. Instead of punishing the other nymphs, she punished me by taking away my voice, never letting me speak again unless it was to repeat another's shouted words!
Despite this udder tragedy, I fell in love with Narcissus. Narcissus was the son of Lirope of Thespia, a blue nymph, and the river god Cephisus. One day I spotted Narcissus hunting bucks, male deer, so I decided to quietly follow him through the woods. I was desperate to talk to him, but unable to speak unless he shouted something so I could repeat! The forest was very quite, and with one slight step on a crunchy branch or twig, I don't remember which, Narcissus finally figured out that he was being followed. Finally he shouted the words " Who's there?!", to which I could only reply back " Who's there?!". This went on for a while until I finally musterd up the courage to show myself. Rushing over excitedly to hug him, I was denied as he pushed me away and strictly told me to leave him alone. Heartbroken, I left crying; I cried for the rest of my life until finally I became stone. Now all that's left of me is an invisible echo, my voice, which know haunts the Earth.

Pyramus Bio

Hello. I am Pyramus. I was the best-looking guy in all of Babylonia. My love was Thisbe, the prettiest girl in all of Babylonia. We would have happily married, if are parents had let us. It was in this way that we are similar to Romeo and Juliet because our parents had a rivalry and didn't wish to have us see each other. Our romance came to a tragic end when I saw Thisbe's bloody veil and the lioness, and assumed she was dead. Because I felt as if it were my fault, I took my sword and killed myself. When Thisbe came from where she was hidden and saw me lying there, she took the sword and plunged it into herself as well.

Pandora's Bio

Hello! My name is Pandora, the first mortal woman. I am also known as Anesidora. I was created by each God who all gave me unique gifts. Zeus sent me down to Earth with a closed jar and gave me as a gift to Epimetheus. We were told not to open the jar but my curiosity was very strong and it was slowly getting the best of me everyday. Epimetheus warned me that the jar was to be kept in trust and should not be opened but I felt that it was a gift that Zeus had bestowed upon us. Finally one day when Epimetheus left my side for a few hours, I opened the jar and horrible things escaped from within! Disease, fear, anger, and all of the horrors of the world flew out from the jar. I looked in it after everything escaped and saw that the only thing left was hope.

Greetings, I am Poseidon, god of the sea. I am born of the two titans Chronus Rhae, my mother and father respectively. As the god of the sea I have domain over the ocean and all bodies of water. My siblings, including Zeus and Hades, divided the power over the world with me and rule in their own domains. I also created horses, greatly influencing the ways man traveled. When I am not working at ruling the sea I enjoy being with the ladies. Unfortunately my love of women has gotten me into trouble numerous times. The one woman I do not desire however is Athena. She and I have competed many times throughout history for prizes and privelages. Perhaps our greatest competition was over the city of Athens and who would be its favorite god. I gave them a spring and she gave them the olive tree. AN OLIVE TREE! Who needs an olive tree?! Oh well, who needs the city of Athens any way? Now, I must to go back to ruling the seas. Farewell.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hello! My name is Agamemnon. Looking back at it all, I regret a lot of decisions I have made in my life. Being a conceited cheater got me killed. I was such a bad person that I was willing to sacrifice my own daughter to save my fleet. My daughter is still alive, and I doubt she is too thrilled with me as a father figure.

I was the leader king in the Greek forces in the Trojan War. My problems started when I bragged to everyone by saying I was a better hunter than the hunting goddess, Artemis, which I still believe it to this day, but she got angry and caused my ships to be stuck in the middle of the ocean from winds. She would only let my fleet go if I sacrificed my daughter, Iphigenia. I agreed, and then Artemis threw me under the bus and saved my daughter by replacing her with a deer. Jerk.

After the destruction of Troy, I picked up a chick, even though I was married with several children. I took the girl home with me to Greece, only to find that my wife, Clytemnestra, got herself a boyfriend as well. They murdered me. Hypocrite.

Circe Bio

I am the greek Goddess Circe, although I'm considered more of an enchantress or sorceress than a Goddess. I am the Goddess of witchcraft and I am known for turning men who offend me into animals, usually pigs. I do this using magical potions made of drugs and herbs. There are many legends and tales of how I transform men into animals, but a popular one is when I turned a group of salors into pigs by tricking them into drinking drugged wine and food. I then herded them into pens and fed them acorns. The men I transform all have the shape of animals, but they still have the minds of men. I built myself a palace surrounded by men that I turned into lions and wolves. It is located on the island of Aeaea, now known as Mount Circeo. I am the daughter of Helios, the sun God and Perse, the Oceanid. My siblings are Aeetes, Perseis, and Pasiphae. The God Odyseuss and I had three sons named Romus, Anteias, and Ardeias who founded the three cities Rome, Antium, and Ardea.

Midas Biography

I am Midas. King Midas to you. I rule Pessinus, a city of Phrygia. I am known for my garden of roses and my riches. Throughout my life gold has been my number one priority and nothing else mattered more to me. One day, some of my people found Silenus, a satry in my gardens. I recognized him and cared for him knowing he belonged to a friend of mine. In return, he gave me a reward, a wish. My wish was for everything I touch to turn to gold. I was astonished by my new power. It became known as the Midas Touch. Everything I touched turned to gold. It worked! My wish came true! At first, I was completely fascinated by this power, but after a while it became old. I could no longer eat or drink, for when I touched it, it turned to solid gold. My power was slowly loosing its appeal. To make matters worse I managed to turn my own daughter into gold. What had I got myself into? I prayed to Dionysus, the person who granted my wish, to reverse it. After seeing my struggles, Dionysus told me to wash my powers away in the river of Pactolus. I did as I was told and my powers were diminished. This is the greatest lesson I have ever learned and I hope you learn from my mistakes and don't take things for granted like I did.

Zeus bio

Hey all, I’m Zeus, the God of Gods. I keep order and justice between mortals and immortals. I can control thunder, lightning and rain. I used to be considered the God of Weather and now I have become the God of Justice. You could consider me as the president or the king of the Gods. I am the son of Cronus. My father tried to swallow me and my other five siblings, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. Cronus did this to try and prevent us from overthrowing him. My mother Gaia saved me by wrapping a stone in rags in my place and I was sent to the island of Crete to be secretly raised. When I grew older I returned to my father and forced him to regurgitate my siblings. Once my father was defeated by my siblings and I, his universe was divided into three. Hades gained the underworld, Poseidon gained the sea and I, Zeus, gained the heavens. My best known son is the strongest mortal to ever live, Hercules. I now reside at Mount Olympus.

Atlas Bio

Hey! My name is Atlas! I am a titan, someone even greater than the Greek Gods. My parents were Iapetus and Asia. I also have three brothers named Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius, who were all titans. During the Titan vs. Gods war, my brothers sided with the gods, whereas i sided with the titans. We lost :(. Before the war, I governed the powers of the moon; but now, Zeus makes me hold up the heavens and keep them away from the earth as punishment for my actions. The Earth is very heavy! Now that i hold the sky, I make the heavens revolve around the Earth's axis, so i am credited with making the earth move in circles and the visibility of constellations.

Ive seen many heros since I've been stuck holding up the sky, I even encountered Hercules once! He took the weight of the sky at one point so i could go get the golden apples he sought from my daughters. When i returned, i tried to trick him into getting stuck with my job, but it didn't work. Hercules also built me two pillars to help me do my job (The Pillars of Hercules), he also helped my brother Prometheus.

Another time, I was minding my own business when Perseus came by. He revealed Medusa's head and turned me to stone, turning me into the modern day Atlas mountains, and making it easier for me to bear my burden.

In many sculptures I am depicted as a man holding the world, but in reality, i hold a celestial sphere or the sky (which you cannot sculpt)


Hello Everyone.

I am Medusa. You may also know me as the “Mistress of the West Gate of Death” because my home is at the entrance to the Underworld. My parents are the gods, Phorcys and Ceto. I have two sisters named Sthenno and Euryale, but they are immortal, unlike me. Sometimes, I envy them for this reason. I was not always as hideous as I am now. People did not always look at me and turn to stone. Before, I had long beautiful hair, and I was desired by many. This is all Poseidon's fault. I was just worshipping in the temple of Athena, when all of sudden, he came and attacked me. Athena was angry because her temple was being violated, so she decided to punish me. Why me?! I was just going about my own business. If anyone deserves to be punished, it is Poseidon. Now, I have to live with the ugliness that Athena has turned me into. She turned my beautiful hair into snakes and gave me the destructive power to turn anyone who looks directly at me into stone. (By the way, I'm sorry if I did that to anyone recently....) I would do anything to get my old life back. Anything...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Helen Bio

I am Helen, the daughter of Zeus. I was kidnapped two times, since I was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. The second time, I was kidnapped by Paris, and he took me back to Troy, thus begining the Trojan War. I helped both sides during the war, because I couldn't decide which I should be loyal to. When Paris died in the war, I married his brother, Deiphobus. Although I later helped kill him in order to return to my first love, Menelaus. I then returned and remained in Sparta for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Antigone Bio

Hello I'm Antigone. I am the daughter of King Oedipus of Thebes and his mother-wife Jocaste. My father had blinded himself and been exiled from Thebes after he revealed that he was the husband of his mother, the killer of my grandfather, and the half brother of his children. I went with my poor father to Colonus, where he died.After my father died, I returned to Thebes to find my brothers Eteocles and Polynices fighting over the throne. Once my brothers had killed each other, Creon, who had taken over the crown and had supported Eteocles, refused to allow Polynices to have a proper burial. I defied the king and buried my brother. Creon punished me and ordered me to be in confinement, where I contemplated suicide. What Creon didn’t know that his son Haemon loved me and was willing to die beside me.

Adonis Bio

Hello, I am Adonis. It is nice to meet you. I am going to tell you a bit about myself...
When I was younger I was put in a chest and given away to the underworld to be taken care of by Persephone. I can thank Aphrodite for this. She did it because I was so beautiful. Although neither of them were my mother, they took care of me and I did not spend my life with my mother, Smyrna or my father, who was Smyrna's father as well. When I was with Persephone she was so charmed by my beauty (I don't meant to brag...) that she never gave me back to Aphrodite. She was in love with me, just like Venus, the goddess of love was.
For everything to be fair, Zeus said I must divide the year into three parts and spend four months with Persephone, four months with Aphrodite, and the other four by myself. The months by myself I also spent with Aphrodite. I loved hunting. Aphrodite and I hunted together often. Hunting led to my death though. One day when I was out with Aphrodite, I was killed by a wild boar. Be careful when you are out hunting! People say I am the symbol of male beauty..I can't disagree with that though. I even have festival called "gardens of Adonis"! I can thank the many women who are my worshipers for this.

Hey! I am Dionysus (dahy-uh-nahy-suh s); the god of wine, fertility, and drama. Some refer to me as “The Eater of Raw Flesh”, because of my sexuality and drunkenness. I am also known as “twice born”. This is because when I was developing in my mother I grew not only in her womb, but also in her thigh. Also, I am associated with Hades, the god of the underworld. So, now that you know a little bit about me... Who wants to party!?!?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dido Bio

Hello! My name is Dido and I am the founder and Queen of the city of Carthrage. Cathrage is a city in North Africa that was very prosperous. I am the daughter of Belus the king of Tyre. My husband,Sychaeus, was killed by my power hungry brother, Pygmalion. This led me to run away, and establish Carthrage. Some people seem to think that while ruling Carthrage, I fell in love with the Trojan War leader, Aeneas. I will not confirm or deny our relationship at this time. There seem to be two theorys people hold as to how and why I killed myself. Some say it was because Aeneas left me and I was so emotinally scared that I decided life was over. Others specualte that a fellow leader threatened war against Carthrage if I did not marry him, and I did not want to marry him. Some people think I burned myself, while others prefer that I stabbed myself in the comfort of my people. Lovley isn't it.

Hephaestus bio

My name is Hephaestus and my parents hate me. Zues and Hera are my parents and from the day I as born, they flung me off Mount Olyumpus. There are stories of it either being my mother or my father. As I grew older and I made my workshop and palace under a volcano where I fashioned a magic throne for my mother, Hera. My creation was actually a trap, and it entrapped her in the throne. The other god pleaded me with mercy but I still would not give in until that jackass Dionysus intoxicated me and made me free her. At least I still got my beautiful bride, Aphrodite.


My name is Hermes I am the son of Zeus and Maia in Greek religion and mythology. I am the messanger primarily for, my father, Zeus and am the conductor of souls to Hades. I am a great powerful god that is in charge of roads, travel, hospitality and trade and is described as a handsome and athletic, beardless young man! I'm the best god out there! I was involved in many wars so don't mess with me, cause i'll win, I promise!


I, Helios, am Greek mythology's god of sun. My day consists of riding my sun chariot across the sky in a circling pattern around Oceanus. I had a son named Phaeton who had a bit of a juvenile delinquent problem(driving my chariot into the earth, how dare he!). People often get me confused with Apollo(god of light) but we are very seperate gods. I see and know all.

Leander Bio

Hi there, it's Leander! I am 19 years old and my deepest wish is to forever be with my love, Hero. She is my greatest treasure. Although I currently make my home in Abydos, Egypt, Hero lives across the strait Hellespont. You might know this area of land as Turkey today. Hero is a priestess of the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, and resides in a tower called Sestos. In order to be with her, I must swim across the Hellespont each night, guided by the light of a lamp Hero lights at the top of her tower. My nightly swims have been routine since I first met Hero at a great celebration held in honor of Venus and Venus's lover, Adonis. When my eyes met Hero's across the room, I knew I was gazing at my other half. The other guests in attendance seemed to vanish and she was the only person in the world who could possibly matter. The following night I swam for the first time across the Hellespont, but I was captured by Neptune when he mistook me for another. Although Neptune let me go when he realized his mistake, facing death made me understand how vital it was that I cherish every moment possible with Hero.

Hades Bio

In Greece, I was the oldest male child of Chronus and Rhea. According to myth, My brothers and I, (Zeus and Poseidon) defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the cosmos, ruling the underworld, air, and sea, respectively; the solid earth, long the province of Gaia, was available to all three of us. Because of my association with the underworld, I am often interpreted in modern times as the Symbol of death, even though I am not.

Artemis Bio

I am Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt. I drive the moon chariot across the night sky, just as my twin brother, Apollo, drives the sun chariot across the daytime sky. I was born of the Titan Leto and Zeus, king of the Olympians. His wife, Hera, in her eternal jealousy, cursed my mother so that she could not give birth on land. Leto luckily found an island that was not attached to the ocean floor, and therefore not considered land. I was born a full day before my brother, and acted as a midwife for him. This is why I am also the goddess of childbirth. Even so, I do not have any of my own children; I swore off men from the first. I am known as a protector of animals and children. I travel with a group of immortal nymphs, who are my followers. I do not hesitate to kill when justice is not upheld. Do not cross me if you wish to live.

Narcissus Bio

Salutations. I am the son of the river god, Cephissus and the nymph, Leriope. My mother was told that I would have a long life if I never saw my own reflection. The nymph, Echo, fell in love with me, but I rejected her. Aphroditē then punished me for my cruelty by making me fall in love with my own image reflected in waters of a spring. My fruitless attempts to approach my beautiful reflection led to my despair and I wasted away until I died. Then, the gods transformed me into the flower that bears my name. The narcissus flower.

Galatea Bio

I am Galatea. Galatea means "she who is white as milk". In the 18th century, Pygmalion created me with his own hands in a statue form. But then he fell madly in love with me and my ivory self. He then prayed to the gods asking to bring me to life so we could live happily together.The Goddess Venus, answered his prayers and brought me to life and we were united into marriage.

Achilles Bio
I am Achilles, son of Thetis the sea nymph and Peleus, king of all myrmidons (people of Greek mythology). Originally, Zeus and Poseidon intended to be my father. However, the fire-bringer Prometheus warned them that Thetis' son would be greater than his father. Therefore, both gods stayed away from my mother. As a baby my mother bathed me in the river Styx. Contact with this river made you invulnerable. When I was bathed by my mother, the only part of my body not exposed to the river was my heel, hence my one weakness. Later, my father requested Chiron, the centaur of Mt. Pelion, to raise me. I then became one of the greatest warriors and heros of the Trojan War. I was also known as one of the handsomest warriors. Many Achaeans were lead by me. Over the course of the war, I conquered 11 cities and 12 different islands. I had also defeated and killed such opponents as Troilus the Trojan, Penthesilea, queen of the Amazonians, and the king of Ethiopia Memnon since he had killed my dear friend Antilochus. For a short time, I withdrew my troops from the war, but when I was alerted of the death of Partoclus, my closest comrad, I became enraged. Equipped with a new set of armor, my troops and I set out to kill Petroclus' murderer, Hector, the Trojan prince. I completed my mission, killing Hector, tying him to my chariot, and dragging him around the battlefield for nine days. My death finally came about when Paris, king of Troy, threw an arrow, directly hitting my heel. It is rumored that the god Apollo had guided the arrow. Following my death, my body was cremated. My ashes share the same urn as my long lost companion Petroclus. Paris, on the other hand, was killed by Philoctetes, who used Hercules' bow to finish the deed. My dear son Neoptolemus now wears my armor. Many great poets have made me the protagonist of their stories, too, including Homer's Iliad and Statius' Achilleid. My legacy shall live on forever.

So long!

Ariadne Bio

I am Ariadne the goddess of Labyrinth. I am a mortal princess with parents King Minos of Crete and Pasiphae. My father attacked the town of Athens, when he realized that his beloved son was killed there. As a victory prize, every nine years, the Athenians had to sacrifice seven young men and seven maidens to kill the Minotaur, a half bull and half human monster. One of the sacrificed people was Theseus. I fell in love with him the minute I looked into his eyes. I helped him kill Minotaur by giving him a sword and a ball of red thread used to find his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth. After he won the battle, we eloped. He abandoned me, and after a couple years I met Dionysus. We got married and I was faithfully in love with him. No one really knows the real death of me. Some say Perseus killed me; others say I hanged myself from a tree.

Muse Bio

Hey! I am Aoide the Muse. Goddess of Music. I am one of the three original Muse's and my sisters are Melete, practice, and Mneme, memory. My parents were Zues, King of Gods, and Mnemosyne, goddess of memory. The moon Jupiter XLI is also named Aoede which is named after me. However now, there are nine of us Muses. I kind of miss the old days though. Phoebus Apollo is my "leader" persay. You have NO idea how annoying that can become. In Indian mythology, I am known as an Apsara. I am like an elite. Its pretty cool. We, in the past, have blinded people and judged them aswell. Mess with us, and you're pretty much done for.


I am Hera, the queen of the gods and goddesses. More specifically, I am the goddess of marriage and childbirth. I am married to Zeus, the king of the gods, and Rhea and Cronus are my parents. I am often represented by a peacock, as seen in my picture. Sometimes I am seen holding a pomegranate, for it is the emblem of fertile blood. Every year in June, there is a Matronalia festival that is held in my honor. With Zeus, I gave birth to Ares, Hephaestus, and Hebe. I am known for throwing my son Hephaestus off of Mount Olympus because he was born crippled and weak. The other gods and goddesses know that if any one of them crosses me, I will get revenge. Although I am infamous for my jealousy, I believe I am a great mother to my other children, whether with Zeus, or not.


I am the former lover of Pyramus. We had grown up living next to each other in adjoining houses. Our neighbors brought us together and we soon fell in love. The only problem was that our parents forbid us to see each other. The flame of our relationship was too strong to burn out so we found other ways to see each other. The walls of our rooms were next to each other and had an undiscovered crack so we talked and passed notes through it. One night when meeting up, we decided to sneak out of our village the next day. We agreed to meet up in a cave. I got to the cave before Pyramus so I through off my veil. A hungry lioness quickly grabbed my veil with her bloody mouth, ripping it to shreds. I hid because the lioness looked hungry. While I was hiding Pyramus came to our meeting spot and spotted my bloody, torn veil. He wept and killed himself with his sword. I, at the time, had just come out and went to find Pyramus to tell him what had happened. I stumbled upon his lifeless body. I knew that I could not spend my life without him so I had no choice but to kill myself. My wish was that Pyramus and I would be buried together. My parent granted me that wish and Pyramus and I are enjoying spending time together in the afterlife.


Cleopatra Biography

Hi! You probably already know me since I am the Greek queen and last pharaoh of ancient Egypt, but if you don't, I'm Cleopatra VII Philopator! I am a part of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which is the royal Greek family who ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great during the Hellenistic period. Originally, I ruled with my father, Ptolemy XII Auletes and then later, I ruled with my brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV. As a pharaoh, I consummated a liasion with Julius Caesar. This helped me keep my grip on the throne! I later elevated with my son, Caesar, Caesarion, to co-ruler in name. But unfortunately, after Caesar's assasination, I sided with Mark Anthony. I had twins with Anthony, Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios, and another son, Ptolemy Philadelphus. We lost the Battle of Acitum to Octavian's forces and Anthony had commited suicide. I followed in his footsteps and killed myself by means of an asp bite on August 12, 30 BC.

Diana Biography

I am the greek symbol of light, inaccessibility, virginity, and I have a preference for dwelling on high mountains and in sacred woods. I deeply care for the hunt, and all nature, and offer support to those who pray to me. Though I completely believe in chastity, I am seen as active in ensuring the succession of kings and in the preservation of mankind through the protection of childbirth.
I am independent, and yet compassionate. I am readily available to others, but also vulnerable, and not known to have had particularly satisfying relationships with men... except for my brother, Apollo. I dont even like him that much, either. I once loved the handsome and revered giant, Orion, and Appllo didn't like him. One day Apollo tricked me by betting that I couldn't hit a distant object with my arrows. He knew I loved a good challenge and that I had to prove him wrong. so, I aimed, only to discover that my confidence and intuitive aim beheaded my lover. Forever after, I grieve that I had so unintentionally incapacitated him. In his memory, I made him a star in the sky since he no longer could be the star that brightened my time on earth.

Adam Bio

I was born in the Garden of Eden. I am Adam; known as the world's first man. I am also known as the father of all humanity. I was created by God on the sixth day of creation. After my female partner Eve feeds me the forbidden fruit, God expels us from the Garden of Eden. My failure to obey God is called the Original Sin. I have 3 sons with Eve; Abel, Seth, and Cain. I am subject to the famous palindrome "Madam, I'm Adam" (or "Madam, in Eden, I'm Adam").
Titan, greater than the Gods of Greek mythology. I desend from Gaia and Uranus, I was one of the first twelve.

Athena Bio

My name is Athena, the daughter of Zeus and Metris. When i was born I leaped from the head of Zeus, already adult, dressed with my armor. I was prepared for the world, from the second I was born.I am goddess of war, civilization, wisdom, strength, strategy, crafts, justice and skill in Greek mythology. My symbol is an owl.

I may be full of myself, but I must say that I am most likely am the favorited goddess of them all. When god wanted to create world through one word, his first thought was me. I am the lady of Athens. I have competed with Poseiden to be the overall glory of Athens, yet it was never decided who was really it. If you want me to be honest; I think I deserved it more then Poseiden did. I am what every women wanted to be. Strong, skillful, gorgeous, and full of wisdom.

Goliath Bio

Hello fellow Gods and Godesses, I am Goliath. I am a nine foot tall giant from the ancient town of Gath. My birth accured in the year of 1060 B.C. and since then my life had been fighting for city of Philistine. I am the symbol of strength, bravery, and power to my people and my army. I had been the most powerful being of my time untill the day of the batle with the israilites.

Persephone Bio

I am Persephone, the Greek goddess of the Underworld. My mother is Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, and my father is Zeus, the king of all gods. When I was little, I was abducted by Hades, the god of the underworld, to be his bride. My mother was devastated when I was gone and in her fury did not let the land grow until I came back. Zeus finally stepped in because my mother was literally killing all humans to release me, but I had already eaten pomegranate seeds from the Underworld and was bound there. After lots of debating, Zeus finally made a deal with Hades that I would be with my mother 3/4ths of the year, and the other fourth I would spend as Hades's wife. For that quarter of the year called winter, Demeter lets nothing grow. But when I am with her, spring comes and life comes back to Earth.