Hello Everyone.
I am Medusa. You may also know me as the “Mistress of the West Gate of Death” because my home is at the entrance to the Underworld. My parents are the gods, Phorcys and Ceto. I have two sisters named Sthenno and Euryale, but they are immortal, unlike me. Sometimes, I envy them for this reason. I was not always as hideous as I am now. People did not always look at me and turn to stone. Before, I had long beautiful hair, and I was desired by many. This is all Poseidon's fault. I was just worshipping in the temple of Athena, when all of sudden, he came and attacked me. Athena was angry because her temple was being violated, so she decided to punish me. Why me?! I was just going about my own business. If anyone deserves to be punished, it is Poseidon. Now, I have to live with the ugliness that Athena has turned me into. She turned my beautiful hair into snakes and gave me the destructive power to turn anyone who looks directly at me into stone. (By the way, I'm sorry if I did that to anyone recently....) I would do anything to get my old life back. Anything...
This biography was really interesting to me. I liked how you expressed your opinion about the events that happened to you rather than solely reciting your biography. However,I felt that you over-used commas just a little bit by using them as places to pause. For example, I felt that there was a unnecessary comma in " I had long beautiful hair, and was desired (...)". Also, the sentence " live with the ugliness that Athena has turned me into" was a little awkward. But overall, this biography was very informational and well written.