Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Muse Bio

Hey! I am Aoide the Muse. Goddess of Music. I am one of the three original Muse's and my sisters are Melete, practice, and Mneme, memory. My parents were Zues, King of Gods, and Mnemosyne, goddess of memory. The moon Jupiter XLI is also named Aoede which is named after me. However now, there are nine of us Muses. I kind of miss the old days though. Phoebus Apollo is my "leader" persay. You have NO idea how annoying that can become. In Indian mythology, I am known as an Apsara. I am like an elite. Its pretty cool. We, in the past, have blinded people and judged them aswell. Mess with us, and you're pretty much done for.


  1. That's cool that you are the Goddess of music. I listen to music all the time, especially during my perilous journeys for the golden fleece.

  2. I like to hear that people appreciate me so thank you Jason. And who knows Mrs. B....where there's a will, there's a way =)

  3. I really appreciate the band too, Muse.

  4. Im glad. Music is the one constant in my life. =)
